Middletown Borough- Administration

Middletown Borough- Administration

The Middletown Borough PA Administration is located in Middletown PA.

Borough Manager - The Borough Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough. This position is appointed by and accountable to Borough Council. The manager''s responsibilities are detailed by various local laws, including Section 43-7, Powers and Duties. Borough Secretary - The Borough Secretary serves as Executive Assistant to the Borough Manager, maintaining all files and records related to administrative matters for Borough as well as personnel files of Borough employees. The Borough Secretary prepares all matters related to formal meetings and workshop work sessions of Borough Council, including the preparation of agendas and minutes; and administers all aspects of the Homestead 2000 Loan Program. The secretary''s responsibilities are detailed by both State and local law, including Section 80-1, General Duties. Borough Clerk - The Borough Clerk serves as telephone receptionist for the Borough Manager, Borough Secretary and Code Enforcement Officer. In addition, this position serves as secretary to the Code Enforcement office, typing all building permits and correspondence concerning code enforcement matters. Contact the Borough Clerk regarding the placement of banners over roadways and reservations for the facilities at Hoffer Park.


60 West Emaus Street
Middletown, PA, 17057

Hours of Service:

8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday