Village of Warwick Albert Wisner Public Library

Village of Warwick Albert Wisner Public Library located in Warwick NY

The Albert Wisner Public Library has served the residents of the Warwick School District since 1814 and is now housed in its beautiful, energy-efficient,

The Library’s mission is to be the community’s connection to reading, life-long learning, and personal enrichment. The library strives to provide equal access to materials, facilities, current technology, professional expertise, and quality service.


One McFarland Drive
Warwick, NY, 10990

Hours of Service:

Monday-Thursday:  9am-8pm
Friday:  9am-5pm
Saturday:  10am-5pm
Sunday:  12pm-4pm
Curbside Pickup & Homebound Delivery:  call (845) 986-1047, press 3
Outdoor Bookdrop: open 24/7 for returns