Channel 19-Murrysville

Channel 19-Murrysville

Channel 19 is broadcast on local Comcast Cable. We are viewed in Murrysville and Export along with parts of Delmont and Washington Township.

We broadcast Council meetings and Planning meetings along with other shows of community interest. We also broadcast shows and events from the Franklin Regional School District.

When we are not broadcasting shows, we show slides that have useful information to the community and play a variety of music choices from the Comcast music channels. We can place information about community oriented events but do not place any kind of bingo or commercial advertising. To get an event placed on Channel 19, please complete the Channel 19 Bulletin Board Application and email to Mike Hiler, IT Specialist.

Watch Murrysville channel 19 with our streaming video.


4100 Sardis Road
Murrysville, PA, 15668

Fax: 724-327-2881