Town of Saugerties Clerk

Town of Saugerties Clerk
The Town Clerk serves as Registrar of Vital Statistics (births, marriages, and deaths) for the Town of Saugerties NY, is Records Management Officer and Freedom of Information Officer.  The Town Clerk attends meetings of the Town Board, keeps and files all Town records including minutes of Town meetings.  The Town Clerk issues many licenses including Dog Licenses, Marriage Licenses, Hunting and Fishing licenses, Transfer Station permits, permits for park and building facilities, boat launching permits, junk yard permits, peddlers permits, Bingo/Games of Chance Licenses.  The Town Clerk also serves as Election coordinator and keeper of the official election machines for both Election Day and Primary Day.   
If anyone is interested in becoming an Election Inspector, contact the Town Clerk at 246-2800-ext.343. 


4 High Street
Saugerties, NY, 12477

Hours of Service:

Monday through Friday at 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Other hours by appointment.